Tuesday, April 4th, 5 - 7 PM at Blush CoWork
Women comprise half of the world’s population and control most of the healthcare spending in the U.S., yet the majority of modern medicine has been designed using men’s anatomy as the standard. Women’s health and technology intersected as startups and tech companies saw a gap in the global health tech market (valued at USD 142.7 billion in 2022) and began developing software, products, and services that allow women to take greater charge of their health, health related data, and specifically designed around women’s physiology. And thus “Femtech” was born.
These new technologies collect and aggregate data from IoT connected devices; utilize machine learning to make health predictions; engage with small batch manufacturers to create products; work with DevOps and UI/UX teams to create apps; and employ edge computing to deliver information.
Join RIoT as their speakers discuss how the modernization of women’s healthcare is driving innovation and invention at the intersection of healthcare and technology!